In Emotional Intelligence in ESL classrooms

Puzzle four


The British Class System

Students read this text about the British class system and put the characters from The Body in the Library into the correct group A, B, C or D. Then they give the gamemaster the four digit code to open the next box.


Colonel Bantry / Mary/ Miss Marple / Inspector Slack /

Ruby Keene / Raimond Starr / Dr Haydock / Lorrimer


In nineteen forty two, when The Body in the Library was written, Britain had a class system with rules that everybody knew and most people followed. 

(A) Some of the upper class had titles like Duke, Marquess and Sir, but many were just families who had owned large estates for centuries and often had no titles.

Character/s: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(B) The middle class were educated people who hd to work for a living – in the law, medicine, education, business, the Church or something similar.

Character/s: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(C) The working classes were educated as fas as they legally had to be – at that time you could leave school when you were fourteen – and were generally involved in all other work not done by the middle and upper classes. Many were employed in the houses of wealthy families.

Character/s: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(D) Then it would be lower class people.

Character/s: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


This class system lasted until the Second World War when many social rules changed, especially the role of women in society.


HINT: the four digit code is hidden in the text




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