In Emotional Intelligence in ESL classrooms

Why would someone commit murder?

Well, these very clever B2.1 students have found out the reasons why Mr Henry Barkerville was murdered and here is the breakout they completed after their class reader activity.


The narrative this time goes as follows: After having been rescued from The Tower  of London Sherlock Holmes got engaged with one other «riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma», and him and Mr Watson will need the students’ help not to get Sherlocked again!!



PUZZLE 1 – Students vocabulary needs to be upper-intermediate or they won’t solve this first riddle. The five initials of the answers to this first puzzle will need to be delivered to move on to puzzle two. Opps! I forgot to say that access to the first challenge needs a PASSWORD first of all [HINT is hidden in the title].





PUZZLE 2 – Well done 🙂 It looks like students are now ready for their second challenge! They need to ask Quizmaster  for the next puzzle as it is some kind of traditional board-game (inspired by @blogdecristina) this time where they will need to prove that they have read and understood the story behind The Hound of the Baskervilles. They can only move on to puzzle 3 when the board game has been successfully completed.




PUZZLE 3 – Amazing work. Now they can move on and solve the third puzzle if they can remember the following essential comprehension quotes. And BTW, one other PASSWORD must be provided to access this ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ show. Gamemaster provides this hint = 2H 3O 2P 2S.



PUZZLE 4 – If students are here, puzzles 1 to 3 must have been solved so Congratulations!! The time has come now for a Listening Comprehension task where students must spot the passage in each of these podcasts if they want to avoid the Sherlocked experience!

Colour codes must be provided to Gamemaster in chronological order corresponding to the passages. EXAMPLE:  purple green orange / the traptoo late the letter.




PUZZLE 5 – And the last challenge is, of course, the star mediation task! Students will need to deliver their infographics of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s biography using templates provided in this Access by providing the name of a famous street in London! _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ T





Yes, yes, of course they can complete this final challenge at home.  VIEW ASSIGNMENT here




Formative assessment for Language Usage, Vocabulary,

Reading and Listening Comprehension, Writing, Speaking and Mediation.         










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