The Arts

 In Emotional Intelligence in ESL classrooms

I have selected here a list of movies you can base your activities on. They are all representative of emotional intelligence or Mindfulness. Needless to say you may prefer your own choice of films! If so, should you be willing to share yours I will be delighted to enlarge my own list.

Colin Firth’s performance of a remarkable example of self improvement is magnificent  


Adapted from Marc Rodríguez Castro



record your monologue

The task: the suggested speaking activity is to deliver a Monologue on likes and dislikes in terms of films that you can base on the above. The proposal is for the students to record a monologue and receive feedback from the teacher. The benefits of the students getting recorded gives meaning to this blog (read more).  I have two favourite techniques to provide feedback on recorded speaking tasks: one is notes synchronised with videos using (here is a  tutorial ) the other is to record my own video clip with comments on the task,. Students seem to appreciate this more «horizontal» technique.




share your likes and dislikes in terms of films

As a follow-up activity you may want to ask your students to record their videos a second time, after they have had their feedback. Then share their monologues with the rest of the group for suggestions on what movies they recommend that their classmates should watch.







La vida, sin prisa

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